March 23, 2009


When I checked my email today I got a nice surprise, an email with the subject "Court Date." I expected it to just be an email about court dates and what happens and why and stuff like that, which is was. BUT, at the end it said our son's court date is MAY 11!! I was quite shocked, surprised and thrilled! We gearing up for a wait of at least a few more weeks if not a month before even hearing when our court date was scheduled. This is also an entire month earlier than our best case scenario we had in our minds.

So, thank you for praying. God is SO generous, despite my doubts!

We are thrilled that we may have him home soon! Keep praying, as about 30% of the cases don't pass their first court date for a number of reasons. Please pray that we do.

Last night I had two dreams. One was that when we received the pictures of our son from a fellow AWA family, he was about 4 years old. (I've been sad about losing the next few months with him). Another one was that the Moore family offered us their old crib. We said yes and brought it home. However, when we set it up it was a giant's crib, about 6 feet by 4 feet, with HUGE legs to hold it up! I think this is because Laura told me her babies were always over the 100th percentile for height/weight.

Dreams are weird.


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