March 5, 2009 - Avoid if at all Possible

I have been a very emphatic proponent and opponent of in the last few months. In case you don't know what it is, it tracks your money for you -- online. There are all kinds of reasons to use a service like, and there are other reasons not to. That battle has been waged, and I believe for the most part, won by the side that says it's ok to trust your financial information to third parties. Certainly that's the side I've fallen into.

Today gives me pause. Up until this point, my negative feelings toward have stemmed primarily from what I would call intentional product limitations. They don't let you keep track of accounts that aren't available online. That irritates me. I figured eventually they would add that feature, so I stuck it out. They don't list our investment amounts (we have some money in a Roth IRA) correctly either -- at least in the overview page. But they get it right in the details page, so I filed a bug report and moved on.

But today, I'm done with them. They lost half of my transactions from January. Talk about questioning whether your data is safe! Gone. They were all categorized against our budget. Poof. No record of half the money we spent in the first month of this year.

I'm done.


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