February 25, 2009

Closer Still

We are quite happy to hear that there have been a couple more referrals this week, which means that we're right up there in line. About five couples turned in paperwork the same day we did, which means that there's kind of a tie for first place now. So, keep us and our baby(ies) in your prayers. We still don't know who they are, but are closer to finding out than we ever have been (which sounds exciting to say).

I never expected waiting to be so all-consuming. For most of the wait, I was able to think about other things, do other things, have my heart other places. As the call gets closer though, my heart is beginning to transfer to some baby in Ethiopia. So, for now my heart is in one place and my life in another. It kind of feels like my last semester in college, when Joseph and I were engaged, but still long-distance. The closer our wedding day got, the harder it was to wait. I remember walking around the Wheaton conservatory after a visit with Joseph repeating the mantra "This IS my life now" to try to stay invested in the present. So, I'm doing the same now - walking around Bloomington trying to make myself stay invested here and not live in the future. It's pretty hard though.

I'm also trying to avoid my apartment in the afternoon. When I'm there during AWA business hours I tend to just want to hold the phone and wait for it to ring. Rather pathetic - I know, but I can't help myself :-)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you guys! This is exciting that you are so close!

Mar 2, 2009, 4:29:00 PM  

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