March 4, 2009


I logged on to our agency's yahoo adoption group for my weekly check up on things and was thrilled to find that our group of DTE (dossier to Ethiopia) is now #1. In the past week there were 2 more girl referrals and 1 boy referral, one of them even to a family with our DTE. (DTE just means the date that we finished our paperwork, May something-or-other 2008)

It's quite exciting to be at the top of the list. We share the title with a few other families that we know of, so our referral could be today or in the next few weeks. HOPEFULLY it will be in March though :-)

So, for the next few weeks, pray that I stay sane, that we are matched with just the right baby for our family, pray for twins :-), and that we would have faith in God's goodness. We can't wait to be at the end of this journey and look back at God's faithfulness.


Blogger sarah t said...

I will be praying for your family as well over these next couple of weeks. It would be really neat to be traveling together to bring our children home! How cool that we live so close to each other!

Mar 4, 2009, 3:57:00 PM  
Blogger Summer and Stuart said...

That's so amazing!
Wishing you a very speedy referral!!

Mar 4, 2009, 10:38:00 PM  

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