September 10, 2008

4 months down!

We've made it to our fourth month in the official wait for a baby, and we're almost to the 1 year mark in the official adoption process.

It looks like we'll probably get a call for a referral before the end of the year, but anything can happen. It would be a nice Christmas present though. AWA is still saying a wait of 5-7 months for a boy, which puts us getting a phone call hopefully sometime between October and December. But, please don't start asking us if we've gotten the call yet once October comes. It's kind of like seeing a woman who is VERY pregnant and asking her if she's had her baby yet - clearly not :-) Believe us, we'll let you know when we get the referral call.

Good news is that AWA is planning on having adoptive parents stay in a guesthouse now, rather than the overpriced (by African standards) Hilton. We're quite excited about that and are looking forward to that much more than staying in a wealthy mini-America setting.

In the meantime, I'm getting quite excited about having a baby at home. I've already bought a stroller and a baby backpack off craigslist and feel like it's actually going to happen now. I guess I'm an American . . . somehow buying baby stuff makes it all feel legitimate and real. I'm aiming to be low-maintenance baby supply person, but a stroller and backpack were rather essential.

Last week I got a 24 hour dose of caring for two babies (ages 1 1/2 and 2 1/2). Yeah, life will change a bit :-) But bring it on. I'm excited.


Blogger RossVix said...

Hi there

I just saw your blog and had to comment. My husband and I brought our twins home from Ethiopia last April. They just turned 8-months old and are the absolute light of our lives.

We'll keep our fingers crossed for you - but either way - best of luck to you on this journey!


Sep 26, 2008, 9:36:00 PM  

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