August 20, 2008

More Good News

Thanks to Lizzie and Kris Wegener for praying with me on Sunday out on the sidewalk at the Moore's house. I was lamenting to them that twins or a very young sibling group are so unlikely that I was just trying not to hope too hard for it. I explained that there was one family in line ahead of us that was specifically waiting for 2 babies. So, they decided to just pray for that family to get siblings soon, so we could too when it's our turn. That family got a referral for 2 siblings today!!

Praise God. AWA certainly seems to be handing out referrals quicker and quicker.

As far as I can tell from our yahoo group database, there isn't anyone else in front of us specifically waiting for only twins. So - PLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAAASE keep praying that twins show up for us! We will, of course be thrilled with 1 referral, but twins would be awesome. We have 2 great boy names that we want to use :-)


Blogger Rebecca Caldwell said...

Twins would be awesome!!! Praying!!

Aug 26, 2008, 11:09:00 AM  
Blogger ethiHOPEia said...

If the Lord has them for you, they will come! I began to loose heart on waiting for a young sibling group, and certainly was loosing hope in a baby girl. Now we are just praising the Lord everyday for His miracle! Keep praying and don't give up believing that God can do "exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you ask or think".
Hilary Forrest
Mommy to two beautiful children in Ethiopia!!

PS-Thank your dear friends for praying for us! :)

Aug 29, 2008, 10:02:00 AM  

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