August 19, 2008


There has been all kinds of good news this month and it feels like we can actually get excited about a baby.

The first news was that our agency has been meeting their goal for referrals, which we were doubtful of this past spring. They have met is easily for the last few months and expect to continue if not increase their referral. So, it looks like we'll get a referral by the end of the year. This is where our agency sends us information on a particular baby and asks us if we will adopt them. Keep praying for a miracle set of twins!! It's SO unlikely, but we'd be thrilled.

Second news is that we received a grant from Shaoshannah's Hope!! Praise God. We are so grateful because with the rising costs of travel, etc. our adoption is going to be above our original fundraising goal. God is so good to provide.

In the meantime, fall is coming quickly, which means the start of college group at our church - which we're both very involved in, and all the men's and women's programs at church - which we're also very involved in. This keeps us busy and invested in life as it currently stands for us.

Specific prayer requests:
Health and safety for our baby
That a couple of sets of twins would come (there is at least one couple in line ahead of us that is specifically waiting for twins)
Travel - we REALLY want to visit Ethiopia for some length of time before picking up our baby. Pray that we would be able to and that we would be content with the time God gives us.


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