May 7, 2008

And the winner is . . .

Karen Wiersma is the lucky winner of our quilt raffle. Lizzie Wegener came over to our apartment after soccer on Sunday and drew the name from the pile of cards on the floor. Thanks to all who participated. The raffle brought in over $500 and thanks to my mother for making and donating this gorgeous quilt!

Karen and her husband Bob were my Sunday school teachers in the good ol' town of Pardeeville, Wisconsin. They started teaching my class when we I was in Kindergarden and couldn't get enough of us, teaching our class nearly every year through high school. Joseph and I were even in the same class for a couple of years. The Wiersmas filled my head with more scripture than basically anyone, having us memorize verses, then the books of the Bible, then the ten commandment chapter and rewarding us with yearly pizza trips. I remember loading up their minivan with our class of 10 and singing 'great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts . . .' I also remember having contests with Christian Neef to see who could eat the most pizza . . . and always trying to dump the entire container of hot pepper flakes on someone's slice while they stepped away from the table.

We never got sick of each other and always counted it a blessing that they were our teachers, which is saying something! It wasn't until I moved away from Pardeeville that I realized how unique it was to have great Sunday school teachers, not to mention the same teachers for nearly 13 years! So, thank you Bob and Karen! We don't take you for granted. We love you lots and thank you for the HUGE role you played in training us in the Bible and teaching us how to be godly.


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