April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Joseph!

It's Joseph Tate Bayly VI's birthday today, so wish him a happy one. He caught up to me and now we're both feeling kind of old at 27 - that's nearly 30! Oh well, bring on the children - they'll keep us young.

In honor of the beginning of Joseph's 27th year, I thought I'd post 27 things you may not know about him and that I do, oddly enough, love him for! I've known him for 25 years, so not all of these are necessarily recent.
  1. He has a special place in his heart for conspiracy theories, especially one that involves a reptilian race descended from the "Lords of the lands of the blazing rockets."
  2. He once stuck a twizzler up his nose and pulled it out his mouth. He also did a similar trick with a small metal ball and panicked when it got lost in his sinus cavity - no worries - it eventually came out.
  3. He is the most patient teacher I've ever had.
  4. His favorite sports are soccer, ultimate frisbee, and rock climbing.
  5. He grew up without watching TV, so if you ever make reference to a television show from the 80's or 90's, he won't know it.
  6. His college major was Computer Science and Ancient Mediterranean Studies.
  7. I like listening to him preach more than anyone else (no offense, Dad).
  8. He made me think it was cool to pick my nose.
  9. He has mad floor mopping and sweeping abilities.
  10. His favorite dessert is baklava.
  11. He really loves the harpsichord.
  12. He learned Rachmaninoff's Prelude in c# minor
  13. One of his favorite past-times is tree climbing.
  14. Brian Regan is his favorite comedian.
  15. His day job is working for Broad Reach Recordings.
  16. His favorite poet is Shel Silverstein.
  17. He knows how to knit.
  18. One time he thought he broke his neck after doing summersaults down a sand dune.
  19. He's a great driver and has had LOTS of practice.
  20. He's never broken a bone in his body or had surgery.
  21. He was born breech on this day in Beverly, MA.
  22. He likes The Postal Service (the band, that is).
  23. He's the greatest husband in the world.
  24. He's pretty good at picking locks.
  25. He nearly aced the SAT, really.
  26. Anything he takes apart, he can put back together.
  27. He loves to whistle.


Blogger Joseph Bayly said...

Actually, since I'm 27 already, I'm beginning my 28th year.

I might have broken my tail-bone once.
I also know how to spin wool.
I've done the twizzler trick twice. I've never laughed so hard in my life. Also it hurt.

Apr 1, 2009, 3:30:00 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

He learned Rachmaninoff's Prelude in c# minor like fifteen times because he's always forgetting it.

Happy birthday, Joseph!

Apr 2, 2009, 1:09:00 PM  
Blogger Christopher said...

I might add that he is so skinny that he thinks spelunking is fun. Jerk, don't ever make me do that again!

Happy B-Day Joe Bayly

Apr 3, 2009, 2:40:00 PM  
Blogger Amy @ Literacy Launchpad said...

I've been enjoying reading your blog. We are planning to adopt from Ethiopia as well, and I would love to ask you some questions. Could I email you?

Apr 7, 2009, 12:43:00 AM  

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