April 9, 2009

32 days until court!

Not that I'm counting or anything :-)

May 11th can't come soon enough. Please do keep praying that all of our paperwork goes smoothly from here on out and that we do pass court on the 11th. Why wouldn't we pass court? Things like wrong names on paperwork, the electricity goes out in the capital city, a relative is summoned and doesn't show up, the judge is sick, a key signature is missing, court was overbooked and they didn't make it to our case, and on and on . . . you get the idea. With all of those things so clearly out of my control, I am being forced to prayer more often. It is a much better solution than worrying, which accomplishes nothing. So, I'm thankful for all the unknowns because it is driving me Christ and depending on Him. It would be quite encouraging to know that there are others praying for us as well.

In case you missed a previous post, if we DO pass court on the 11th, we will likely be leaving on the 16th, but may not receive the absolute "yes we are ready for you to come" until the 15th. That seems a wee bit stressful and scary to me, but thankfully I have a husband who is quite comfortable with last minute travel and decisions. So, he is handling all the flight/travel arrangements and I'm handling the packing, paperwork, and being ready for a baby when we get home.

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Blogger Kim said...

I'll continue to pray for you. Your attitude with the wait is exactly right and God honoring... go to Christ and lean on him.

I'd offer you packing tips, but hey, you're NOT going to China... so guess mine aren't that helpful! Plus you two totally know how to pack. One thing, you might bring a couple sizes of clothes for Baby Joseph in case he has gained or lost ... we ended up putting 14.5 month old Shoshi into 6 mos. size clothing... she was just a wee little thing! (Bethie, on the other hand, arrived in Detroit at 6 mos. and needed 2T clothing!)

I am SOOOO excited for you two.
Blessings, Kim

Apr 9, 2009, 6:12:00 PM  

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