February 18, 2009


I must admit my blog entries have been rather pathetic recently and I wanted to give at least some excuse. We no longer have the internet at home, so I can't sit down and post something when inspiration comes. Rather, I just try to hold it in and then post when I have my laptop and internet access in the same place. However, this is usually at the public library, where there are a bit more, um, distractions than at home.

In order for my weak wireless card to pick up a strong signal, I sit directly underneath a hub. This happens to be in a very central location and right next to the reference desk, where people come with all kinds of questions. My favorite was a phone call I overheard. My attention was caught by the woman behind the counter saying 'excuse me?' in a rather annoyed tone. This was followed by her saying 'American?' By this point I looked up to catch her rolling her eyes and beginning "A" "M", no "M" as in mother, "E". . . I could just imagine someone sitting at home, trying to fill out a form, and getting stuck figuring out how to spell 'American.' Then thinking, "I know, I'll call the Monroe County Public Library! Librarians know the answer to everything!" I'm just glad they didn't call the church office. People who answer phones are saints if you ask me :-)

You may have guessed, I'm writing this blog from home. I'm going to make a new attempt to actually write when I have thoughts and just post them later.

My other defense of my weak blog posts, is that I'm still not exactly sure what I think of blogging. I much prefer to write my thoughts, prayers, hopes, dreams in my journal, where someone can read it when I'm dead and, hopefully, see God's work throughout the entirety of my life. Or to talk with someone about things. Just posting my mind and heart on the worldwide web for anyone to read or misunderstand or take out of context is rather scary to me, and so I’ve stuck to news information on our adoption, which, at this point is not much.

But, stay tuned. I will post some actual thoughts someday and if you're interested you can read them. If not, just keep checking for the news posts, which will be there as soon as there is news.


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