April 17, 2008

Garage (Warehouse) Sale Pictures

When we say 'garage sale', even 'huge garage sale', we're doubtful you're thinking huge enough unless you actually saw the gymnasium, so we're giving you some proof of just HOW huge this thing was!

Raffling off my mother's quilt has already made hundreds of dollars. Next week we'll find out who the lucky winner is! You can still buy tickets!!

Barbara Lehr made these awesome purses/Bible bags and prayer journals from old wool sweaters. They were a bit too nice to sell at the garage sale, but we'll try at another time - maybe a silent auction. If you'd like to purchase one, let me know. She will also do custom orders, even if you're out of town. They are absolutely beautiful.

Part one of the tables. Old computer monitors anyone?

See all those clothes back there? Thanks to all who sorted through those!

Steve Moxey really wanted the ab chair down there in the middle, but alas, it was marked a wee bit high. Now he'll never have that six-pack.

We had a steady stream of people through the building both days. It was a great way for the community to get introduced to our church and find out that square building is actually a church!


Blogger Jonathan said...

I never got a chance to see it full. That's incredible.

Apr 21, 2008, 10:32:00 PM  
Blogger Rebecca Caldwell said...

wowee! that is one big yard sale!

Apr 22, 2008, 8:44:00 AM  

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