April 12, 2008

Garage Sales Rock

Our mega garage sale went much better than I ever dreamed possible! At the end of a long week, we had made over $5,000! Praise God!!

Our garage sale was more of a warehouse sale, with over 40 tables of stuff (pictures coming soon) and a number of items that went for over $100. Thank you to our church family at Church of the Good Shepherd for their generous donations of time, money and belongings. A few awards to the following:

Lawrence and Janet Howell take the cake for contributing the most items. It took a box truck to bring their goods to the church!

Julia Tucker definitely gets the team spirit award. Even though she was in Chicago on the actual days of the sale, she and Jenna Killingsworth gave out hand-made invitations (from their work's recycle bin) to all their co-workers. She not only convinced her co-workers to come to the sale, but to donate some pretty amazing stuff too. Then she did all the math of how much money we could earn by selling pop, hot dogs, and water and brought them all to the sale.

Kyla Curell gets the MVP award for sheer man-hours put in. After helping make signs, pricing for days, and sorting through 5 tables and 3 rods full of clothes, she was also dreaming about garage sales. She was even there before me on the first day! True to being Mike Boles' daughter, she was also a stickler on bargaining. Apparently Kyla and Mike had a show-down on the price of an impact wrench, which I would have loved to see. But either way - Kudos to Kyla!! You rock!!

Isaac Curell earns the best baby prize for contentedly letting his mother work.

Eleanor Rice gets the award for best saleswoman (stories coming soon).

My mother claims the "I travelled the farthest for the sale" award. North of Martinsville doesn't hold a candle to central Wisconsin!

All of the Bayly clan get the "Hey! That's mine! You can't sell that!"or the "This is being un-donated" award.

Jon Crum receives a medal for bravery in the face of great danger, risking life and limb and the favor of his boss while delivering the left-over items to an auction house in Salsbury, Indiana.

Glen Pierson gets the sign-picker-upper award. Between putting up the large road signs and bringing them back to the church both days, together with going out and picking them up every 10 minutes when they blew over, it's no wonder that when he brought them back for the final time he said "I hope I never see those signs again!"

Each of you were a tremendous help and we couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for a great, great garage sale weekend!

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