May 4, 2009

Week of Prayer - Day 1

We officially have one week until our court date! As it approaches we would love it if you joined us in prayer. About 70% of adoptions make it though their first court date, which means 30% do not. We are well aware of how out of our hands everything is and want to bring it all before God, who says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Please pray today that all our paperwork is correct and done on time. It amazes me how much paperwork is required, how many signatures needed, and how many hands the information gets processed through. Just last Friday I found out our first paperwork glitch and it amazes me that anything is ever done correctly on the first attempt.

Pray specifically that the embassy in Ethiopia would receive our updated fingerprint expiration dates, which are needed in order for us to get our son a visa to come home. As of Friday, they reported that they had not received it. This morning I have called the National Visa Center, who says they emailed it back in April and now I'm waiting to talk to our agency about what to do.

There are hundreds of little things like this that need to happen and I will be unaware of most of them. Pray that the people in Ethiopia and America who are filing papers for us are conscientious about details and do it correctly on the first try. Pray that communication is open to all the offices.

Thank you all and we hope and pray to post pictures of our official son next week!

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