May 26, 2009

Taveling in Ethiopia

Made it safe back in Addis. We had the most fabulous trip around the
country! Here are a few previews of our week before some longer posts
when we get home.

1. Stopped by a hut near our son's birthplace and were greeted by the
family and a few interested field workers. The wife had just had a
baby 15 days prior.
2. Shared the road with many people, goats, and cows.
3. Learned not to pull the water flush string on the hole toilets
unless you are out of the stall. Glad I had waterproof boots :-)
4. Drank lots of delicious coffee.
5. Had a grilled tilapia served to us whole, with a hot pepper stuffed
in it's mouth and a tomato skewered on it's fins.
6. Walked in to a home in Hossana and Tasted some Ethiopian moonshine.
7. Ate corn cooked and sold by the side of the road.
8. Got a flat tire.
9. Stopped to see a python recently smashed in the head by a local.
10. Drove/walked through the bush to Lake Chamo for a boat trip. Saw
many hippos and drifted in to a huge croc!
11. Heidi threw up breakfast on a hotel pathway, buried it and decided
her malaria pills are not worth it.
12. Impressed the Dorze with ability to eat spicy chili powder and
shake our booty.
13. Attended a rousing bonfire with the Konsol people. Lots of dancing
and singing ensued.
14. Heidi was terrified to wake up to a strange man spraying her bed
with mosquioto spray in his underwear. She prepared to hit and kick
15. Joseph was shocked when his wife began making terrified gasps at
him while he re-covered her bed with bug spray. Was more shocked when
she violently pushed him away!
16. Visited churches from the 10th and 12th century carved out of rock.
17. Joseph bought a round of a traditional drinks for 10 college girls.
18. Heidi danced with an Ethiopian man who was wearing a goat skin.
19. Finally learned how to say thank you in Amharic but can't spell it.

We love it here and can't wait to meet our son tomorrow!



Blogger Lizzie Bowman said...

I like your list.

#7: Like that corn.
#11: Yeah, not so worth it. If you get back and have it, I'll give you some malaria medicine that I brought back from Zambia; it's way cheaper there.

Can't wait to see you all soon!

May 26, 2009, 6:01:00 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Wow your trip sounds like a TV show... how to have fun and get sick in Africa. Oh my. It took me a few hours, by the way, to figure out it was Joseph with the bug spray. How do you explain when you start laughing for no reason at all... Praying for a blessed meeting with your son.

May 27, 2009, 6:12:00 AM  

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