February 14, 2008

Ethiopia is Awesome

Not only is Ethiopian food about the most delicious thing we've tasted (except for the raw meat dish), and the original source of coffee, but the history is fascinating. Ethiopia is one of the few countries to not be colonized by Europeans, which gives it a very distinct, proud, and ancient culture. They still follow the Julian Calendar, they have Tolkienish names for places (Gondar, Axum, Lalibela, Semien Mountains), and we've also found it rich with conspiracy theory potential, which makes history oh so much more interesting.

Much of their history rests on the claim that the Queen of Sheba was from Ethiopia and had a son, Menelik, with King Solomon. This tradition has spawned a number of legends. For instance, did you know that the Ark of the Covenant is in a guarded temple in the Ethiopian highlands? Or that the Ethiopian kings are descendants of King Solomon?

Ethiopia also has quite the blend of religious traditions. They converted in the fourth century, making them the second nation to become Christianized. Trade across the Red Sea brought not only goods, but Islam. Beta Israel are the Jews of Ethiopia, traditionally believed to be descended from Moses or from Jews seeking refuge during the breakup of Israel and Judah. More recently, their former emperor Haile Selassie is viewed as the promised god incarnate by Rastafarians.

I'm by no means an expert in Ethiopian history and have gathered bits and pieces here and there, but everything I find has such a fascinating element of mystery to it. Legends and folklore have a beginning somewhere, and just maybe the Ethiopian do have the Ark of the Covenant.


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