November 18, 2008

What's Going On Now?

Well, this blog has been crazy quiet for the last month, mostly because there is nothing too exciting to report on our progress. Every day brings us one day closer - that's really all we know. In the meantime, we're enjoying our time together before taking the plunge into parenthood. We took a 9 day backpacking trip to Big South Fork in Tennessee at the end of October and finished up with showers, a real bed, and electricity at a B&B in Rugby, TN. All around it was wonderful to get out in creation during such a gorgeous season and to be together.

In October we also found out that AWAA, our agency, is raising the fees for us . . . about $4,000. The reasons for the increase are good for Ethiopian adoption in the long run, but frustrating for us in the short run. As the Ethiopia adoption program grows, our agency has to pay for medical care/tests for their orphans. More babies equals more costs of providing them with solid medical care. The program director is also moving over to Ethiopia next week to run manage things from there. The Ethiopian government is also asking for more money from international adoption agencies, as they need to put processes in place and buy computers to manage all of the adoptions. So, they are legitimate reasons - it's just hard to swallow. We are trusting God to provide all that we need. He's already provided for us above and beyond what we asked.

Referrals (where you find out what child you are matched with) have been slow, especially for infants in the last couple of months. The home where they hold the babies until parents travel, has been at maximum capacity. They simply couldn't take any more in, so they could not give out any more referrals. That means that many families have had to wait 8 or 9 months to receive their referral. AWAA says they expect to catch up on referrals, which hints at a TON being given out in the next 6 weeks. So, we'll see. We're praying that we'll hear by the end of the year, but also trying not to set a due date on it. God doesn't work by our timelines anyway.