October 3, 2008


Much has happened in our life the last month and we're feeling more ready than ever for that referral to come our way. Last Sunday Joseph graduated from the ClearNote Pastor's College. He is officially no longer a student!! So, everyone say congrats, good job, etc :-)

Today is my final day as CGS secretary. After 4 years, I'm handing it off to someone - who that someone is has yet to be decided. But, it sure feels good to be moving on to something else. Why am I quitting before I absolutely must? Well, lots of reasons.

I think I'm a bad blogger. Whenever I sit down to write a post I think, hmmm, what more is there to say. I can't really explain the three month decision that has led to me being done with work now. Oh well.

Finally, we've reached the 5th month of waiting!!! That's exciting, but we're not looking for a referral this month. We know there are still 20 or so families in front of us waiting for a baby. It just means we're one month closer.

Ethiopian courts have also opened back up and they are hearing court cases again, which is good news.