June 24, 2008


I had a bit of a shock yesterday when I finally opened up an envelope with a check for our adoption in it. It had laid unopened on the table for a few days. When I finally opened it I was speechless and immobile for a good 3 minutes (that's how I generally express extreme emotion :-) Our fundraising goal has been met! Yep, you read that correctly. Praise God for the tremendous generosity of His people.

Stepping out in faith and watching God provide has been an incredible thing. I can't remember being so encouraged in anything before and so humbly thankful to everyone for their love, support, and sacrifice for us and our baby. I'm blown away by God's goodness and faithfulness.

When I begin to get discouraged by the wait and fear that we will never reach the end - God gives me some act of goodness to encourage me and remind me that He IS good, His timing is perfect and He can be trusted! So, we continue to wait on Him and trust that He is working in our hearts to prepare us to be parents.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all!!!!

June 3, 2008

9 months

Joseph and I have been in the actual process of adoption for about 9 months now. However, unlike pregnancy, adoption has no 'due date.' We could have another 7-11 months to go. It's rather strange waiting for something indefinitely. We just gear up for the long haul and trust that God's timing is perfect.

We haven't been posting much recently because there isn't much going on now. The next step for us is getting a phone call from our agency saying 'we have a baby for you.' So, for now, we just wait and hope and trust that that day will indeed come.