November 18, 2009
Tate really likes music, including my cell phone ring. He also really likes lights and has about this same reaction whenever he sees one turned on. Watch the whole video for a variety of his moves. Now whenever we play the video and he is in the room he starts doing the exact same thing, right down to the raspberry blowing beat. I guess he made his own choreography.
He's also taken his first steps this week! However, I think it's mostly so he can get some new dance moves. While trying to get him to take a couple steps and concentrated hard and then started swinging his hips around, shifting his weight from front to back :-) Sweeeeet!
October 15, 2009
Spit Bubbles Are Fun
When it rains it pours on the blog. I (Heidi) am catching up on the last two months. Here is the moment Tate discovered spit bubbles.
The sound of Tate
So, here is my first attempt at uploading video. Now I have to learn how to edit before I can upload some more. This is one of Tate's stories. I think he had it in for the animals from the beginning.
Labels: Tate updates, video
Favorites from September
Tate and I took our first trip alone in September to see Grandma and Grandpa Staveness. Tate hung out at my uncle's farm for an afternoon and was mesmerized by the tractors. He liked baby cows until one mooed at him.

Labels: Tate updates
Tate turned 1! . . . He also turned 13 months :-)
Tate's first birthday came quite quickly. They sure do sneak up on you when you start at 8 months. We had a party at our apartment and Tate received the traditional dose of sugar, gifts, and attention. He wasn't quite sure what to think of the flaming cake coming toward him.

He also got some great gifts and filled up his toy box. He loves reading books. His favorite is Dinosaur Roar, which starts out with a bang. He likes doing a little baby roar, but it just comes out as a throaty 'daaaaaaa.' He also likes kissing the green dinosaur - I don't know.

Tate wasn't quite sure what to think of the whole evening and was pretty chill for all of it. I think the highlight for him was just getting to crawl around in the grass.

Labels: Tate updates
New House, New Life
In Tate's one year of life, he has already moved more than I did in my first eighteen years. Transitioning to a new country, new language, new parents is pretty serious business and now it's time for another change. So, pray that we are faithful parents and to see his needs. If that means it takes me two months to unpack, so be it.
Our house is a pretty typical three bedroom brick ranch with some serious character in the basement. I unfortunately do not have any pictures of the exterior, but if you've seen a brick ranch, you've pretty much seen our house :-) Here are some pictures for you though.

Ah, and here we have the lovely shag carpeting on the wall. It's a good half inch shag and I'm a little scared to touch it. Right now I'm weighing whether it is better to leave it up, or rip it down and have just a bare concrete wall. What do you think?
Labels: church planting
September 4, 2009
Growing, growing
Tate has put on 5 pounds in the last three months and is having a blast standing up. He's also pretty excited about learning to walk. He frequently stands up at the coffee table and gives speeches about "da da." There are loads of facial expressions that go with it, but I haven't a clue what he's talking about.
Life has gone and become quite busy, thus the lack of posts, but here are some pictures to keep it interesting.
Why has life gotten busy? . . . Something about house hunting in a town an hour away, new baby, and church planting. So, keep us in your prayers.
Tate is a joy and his first birthday is quickly approaching. It goes by fast when you start at 8 months!
Labels: Tate updates